
We are thrilled to announce our new partnership with Spirit Studios Music School at Manchester University, aimed at fostering and supporting the next generation of creative talent in the UK music industry.

With over 40 years of experience, Spirit Studios stands as a remarkable institution with a dedicated faculty that encourages artists to explore, express, and discover their unique sound in an inspiring and supportive environment.

The entire team at Spezial is deeply grateful for this incredible opportunity. We are excited to share the fruits of our collaboration with you.

A heartfelt thank you to Ian and Lewis from Spirit Studios for believing in us and making this partnership a reality.

“Exceptional collection of gifted students who are extremely passionate about learning and developing their skills.”

“The guys from Spezial are a classic example of what can happen if you combine passion with hard work and a willingness to network.

The session they did at Spirit Studios clearly inspired our students.  This has been backed up by the great feedback we've had from those that attended. 

We look forward to welcoming Spezial back to Spirit Studios in the near future.”

Ian Hu.

Director of Spirt Studios.


Das SPEZIAL x Acrylic Minds


Das SPEZIAL Secret Rave PT2